Or, you say that subjective conscious experience is a terrible mystery, but one day we’ll solve it somehow. (On this site, I nominate orthonormal as a representative of the first option, and Richard Kennaway of the second option.)
That accurately characterises my view. I’d just like to clarify it by saying that by “somehow, one day” I’m not pushing it off to Far-Far-Land (the rationalist version of Never-Never-Land). For all I know, “one day” could be today, and “we” could be you. I think it fairly unlikely, but that’s just an expression of my ignorance, not my evidence. On the other hand, it could be as far off as electron microscopes from the ancient Greeks.
That accurately characterises my view. I’d just like to clarify it by saying that by “somehow, one day” I’m not pushing it off to Far-Far-Land (the rationalist version of Never-Never-Land). For all I know, “one day” could be today, and “we” could be you. I think it fairly unlikely, but that’s just an expression of my ignorance, not my evidence. On the other hand, it could be as far off as electron microscopes from the ancient Greeks.