Recycling as practiced was highly shaped by PR departments of companies that produce a lot of waste and want to shift the responsibilty somewhere else. That’s how we ended up with a horrible recycling system. Even to the extend that separating waste does something it’s unclear to me why people would hope it does something about climate change.
Memes that criticse this can be helpful. Being clear about that it’s the responsibilty of the companies that produce the massive amounts of plastic to reduce waste is important.
The packaging for the meat I’m buying recently changed in a way that reduces plastic waste by 70% (number from memory). This is the kind of action that manages to reduce waste effectively.
Just pointing to big players and critizising them however won’t create change. You actually have to push for alternatives.
When it comes to the question of a billionaire going to space and producing a lot of CO2 in the process the important question is whether they billionaire does something to offset that CO2.
If Brandson doesn’t buy offsets then pressure on him to buy offsets has a reasonable change of getting him to buy offsets. On the other hand just complaining about him being an evil billionaire doesn’t.
Recycling as practiced was highly shaped by PR departments of companies that produce a lot of waste and want to shift the responsibilty somewhere else. That’s how we ended up with a horrible recycling system. Even to the extend that separating waste does something it’s unclear to me why people would hope it does something about climate change.
Memes that criticse this can be helpful. Being clear about that it’s the responsibilty of the companies that produce the massive amounts of plastic to reduce waste is important.
The packaging for the meat I’m buying recently changed in a way that reduces plastic waste by 70% (number from memory). This is the kind of action that manages to reduce waste effectively.
Just pointing to big players and critizising them however won’t create change. You actually have to push for alternatives.
When it comes to the question of a billionaire going to space and producing a lot of CO2 in the process the important question is whether they billionaire does something to offset that CO2.
If Brandson doesn’t buy offsets then pressure on him to buy offsets has a reasonable change of getting him to buy offsets. On the other hand just complaining about him being an evil billionaire doesn’t.