Hmm. I’ve never had this problem. On the other hand, I have had the problem of my sense of self-worth being based in being naturally talented at things, and so when I don’t pick up some new pursuit easily, I tend to get discouraged. Thus, I’m bad at math and don’t read enough science papers. It’s a hard cost/benefit analysis to choose whether to improve your skill at something you’re naturally talented at (and already better than most people at), or some other equally valued skill that you’re not very talented at (and well below average in skill). And the pressure of competition, and the psychological problems caused by perfectionism, have to be dealt with.
Hmm. I’ve never had this problem. On the other hand, I have had the problem of my sense of self-worth being based in being naturally talented at things, and so when I don’t pick up some new pursuit easily, I tend to get discouraged. Thus, I’m bad at math and don’t read enough science papers. It’s a hard cost/benefit analysis to choose whether to improve your skill at something you’re naturally talented at (and already better than most people at), or some other equally valued skill that you’re not very talented at (and well below average in skill). And the pressure of competition, and the psychological problems caused by perfectionism, have to be dealt with.