There is some background base rate of sudden, terminal, but not immediately fatal, injury or illness.
For example, I currently do not value life insurance highly, and therefore I value cryonics insurance even less.
Otherwise, there’s only some marginal increase in the probability of Alcor surviving as an institution. Seeing as there’s precedent for healthy cryonics orgs to adopt the patients of unhealthy cryonics orgs, this marginal increase should be viewed as a yet more marginal increase in the survival of cryonics locations in your locality.
(Assuming transportation costs are prohibitive enough to be treated as a rounding error.)
There is some background base rate of sudden, terminal, but not immediately fatal, injury or illness.
For example, I currently do not value life insurance highly, and therefore I value cryonics insurance even less.
Otherwise, there’s only some marginal increase in the probability of Alcor surviving as an institution. Seeing as there’s precedent for healthy cryonics orgs to adopt the patients of unhealthy cryonics orgs, this marginal increase should be viewed as a yet more marginal increase in the survival of cryonics locations in your locality.
(Assuming transportation costs are prohibitive enough to be treated as a rounding error.)