Finally got around to reading this completely. Great exposition.
[T]oward the beginning of my rationality training, I went through a long period of being so enamored with a-veridical instrumental techniques [...] that I double-thought myself into believing accuracy was not so great. But I was wrong. And that mattered. Having accurate beliefs is a ridiculously convergent incentive.
It reminds me of Wittgensteins ladder: You seemed to have stepped up the ladder thru practical rationality and dark arts and by no longer need them explicitly. You have unconscious competence.
Finally got around to reading this completely. Great exposition.
It reminds me of Wittgensteins ladder: You seemed to have stepped up the ladder thru practical rationality and dark arts and by no longer need them explicitly. You have unconscious competence.
I wonder if it just coincidence that there are also Four Stages of Competence.