Perhaps also not what you’re looking for, but you could check out the google hashcode archive (here’s an example problem). I never participated though, so don’t know whether they would make that great tests. But it seems to me like general ad-hoc problem solving capabilities are more useful in hashcode than in other competetive programming competitions.
GPT4 summary: “Google Hash Code problems are real-world optimization and algorithmic challenges that require participants to design efficient solutions for large-scale scenarios. These problems are typically open-ended and focus on finding the best possible solution within given constraints, rather than exact correctness.”
Perhaps also not what you’re looking for, but you could check out the google hashcode archive (here’s an example problem). I never participated though, so don’t know whether they would make that great tests. But it seems to me like general ad-hoc problem solving capabilities are more useful in hashcode than in other competetive programming competitions.
GPT4 summary: “Google Hash Code problems are real-world optimization and algorithmic challenges that require participants to design efficient solutions for large-scale scenarios. These problems are typically open-ended and focus on finding the best possible solution within given constraints, rather than exact correctness.”