If it makes you feel better, I studied computer science but frequently feel a sense of inadequacy because it feels less hard core than “real engineering”.
Your sense of inadequacy is probably unjustified. I studied electrical engineering and computer science. Within both fields there’s a wide range of hardcore-ness. In both fields you can find people who do incredibly difficult things, and a much larger group of people who do the bare minimum, and people everywhere in-between. I have seen some startlingly incompetent people with engineering degrees, so the lower bound here is pretty low.
Your sense of inadequacy is probably unjustified. I studied electrical engineering and computer science. Within both fields there’s a wide range of hardcore-ness. In both fields you can find people who do incredibly difficult things, and a much larger group of people who do the bare minimum, and people everywhere in-between. I have seen some startlingly incompetent people with engineering degrees, so the lower bound here is pretty low.