The point is that if hawking radiation is a physical phenomenon, then any event horizon should produce it, not just a gravitational one - and the non-linear optical medium forms two optical event horizons, which the laser pulse bounces between, picking up more input from hawking radiation each turn around. Very clever, limit should be the optical properties altering when the diamond sublimes into a fine carbon plasma.
Might be an energy source that makes fusion look like cave men burning dried dung, might be a way to disprove the physicality of hawking radiation, might be a lab demonstration that it exists that cannot be engineered to the point of net energy gain (you have to fire quite powerful lasers into the diamond to set things off. Even if it amplifies the laser pulse a lot, no guarantee you can get enough electricity back out to net positive..) Currently, it is simply an interesting computer simulation.
The point is that if hawking radiation is a physical phenomenon, then any event horizon should produce it, not just a gravitational one - and the non-linear optical medium forms two optical event horizons, which the laser pulse bounces between, picking up more input from hawking radiation each turn around. Very clever, limit should be the optical properties altering when the diamond sublimes into a fine carbon plasma.
Might be an energy source that makes fusion look like cave men burning dried dung, might be a way to disprove the physicality of hawking radiation, might be a lab demonstration that it exists that cannot be engineered to the point of net energy gain (you have to fire quite powerful lasers into the diamond to set things off. Even if it amplifies the laser pulse a lot, no guarantee you can get enough electricity back out to net positive..) Currently, it is simply an interesting computer simulation.