The hours worked by a US worker (+- 1800 a year) is lower than the hours worked by Greeks (about 2100 a year), and higher than those of the UK (approximately 1650 hours a year). Only the Koreans work more hours a year than Greeks, so the amount of hours put in is not very relevant to the yearly salary.
Let’s make sure we’re comparing apples to apples here.
Mandatory paid vacation days, by country
UK -- 20 (not counting public holidays, again for apples-apples purposes)
Greece -- 20 and up, depending on seniority
The average US worker works a lot more hours than the average UK or Greek worker does.
The hours worked by a US worker (+- 1800 a year) is lower than the hours worked by Greeks (about 2100 a year), and higher than those of the UK (approximately 1650 hours a year). Only the Koreans work more hours a year than Greeks, so the amount of hours put in is not very relevant to the yearly salary.
source: OECD statistics