Bob: Anyway, if we continue this process with the concentric circles, I suppose we can look at marine biologists next. And then animal biologists. Then biologists. Then, I don’t know, scientists. Academics. College graduates.
Alice: So everyone gets more and more expert as you head towards the middle...until you hit More Right. More Right was founded by someone with no qualifications in the field, and still mostly consists of people who were trained by him.
Fair point. I agree that More Right probably doesn’t have more expertise than MIS researchers. I’m not even sure that they are more concerned than MIS researchers. I wasn’t sure how to handle that though and given the whole “all models are wrong, some are useful” thing, didn’t want to abandon it.
Yeah, I think the diagram would be much more accurate if the circles didn’t perfectly overlap. Assuming that this is intended to be something like a Venn diagram. The circles are all close along the bottom edge… what if the bottom edges all touched and MoreRight stuck out the bottom. Not all Morerighters fall into the categories of all the other circles. That’s a part of what makes this tricky that we shouldn’t gloss over.
Alice: So everyone gets more and more expert as you head towards the middle...until you hit More Right. More Right was founded by someone with no qualifications in the field, and still mostly consists of people who were trained by him.
Fair point. I agree that More Right probably doesn’t have more expertise than MIS researchers. I’m not even sure that they are more concerned than MIS researchers. I wasn’t sure how to handle that though and given the whole “all models are wrong, some are useful” thing, didn’t want to abandon it.
Yeah, I think the diagram would be much more accurate if the circles didn’t perfectly overlap. Assuming that this is intended to be something like a Venn diagram. The circles are all close along the bottom edge… what if the bottom edges all touched and MoreRight stuck out the bottom. Not all Morerighters fall into the categories of all the other circles. That’s a part of what makes this tricky that we shouldn’t gloss over.