You can always pick a reference class which supports any conclusion you want.
You could just as plausibly claim that international aid mostly propped up various third world dictators and fueled local wars (no matter what “aid money” was for, government could always shift money it would otherwise need to spend on that area into buying weapons or beating up dissidents instead), leading to economic and civilizational stagnation, and over 100 million deaths which would otherwise not have happened.
Or you could categorize reality into reference classes any other way.
You can always pick a reference class which supports any conclusion you want.
You could just as plausibly claim that international aid mostly propped up various third world dictators and fueled local wars (no matter what “aid money” was for, government could always shift money it would otherwise need to spend on that area into buying weapons or beating up dissidents instead), leading to economic and civilizational stagnation, and over 100 million deaths which would otherwise not have happened.
Or you could categorize reality into reference classes any other way.