There’s no location data stored in the bluetooth tracking that Google and Apple are building. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Google and Apple are so late to the party of building tacking apps. They were terrified of the potential PR risk and waited till a decent agreement on how privacy should be handeled. That agreement seems to be no location tracking.
Facebook might have created useful statistics about who spreads Corona, but they seem have decided against integrating contact tracing into their apps because it’s too risky for them PR-wise.
The Chinese could do things like you are proposing but likely only for their territory. Especially as it requires cooperation of official authorities.
There’s no location data stored in the bluetooth tracking that Google and Apple are building. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Google and Apple are so late to the party of building tacking apps. They were terrified of the potential PR risk and waited till a decent agreement on how privacy should be handeled. That agreement seems to be no location tracking.
Facebook might have created useful statistics about who spreads Corona, but they seem have decided against integrating contact tracing into their apps because it’s too risky for them PR-wise.
The Chinese could do things like you are proposing but likely only for their territory. Especially as it requires cooperation of official authorities.