One of the best parts of the CFAR handbook and most of the sections are solid as a standalone. A compressed instruction manual to the human brain. The analogies and examples are incredibly effective at covering the approach from different angles, transmitting information about “how to win” into your brain with high fidelity, and what I predict will be a low failure rate for a wide variety of people.
Be Present is a scathing criticism of how modern society keeps people sort of half-alive. It’s my favorite and what I found to be the most important meta-skill; autopilot is the enemy.
Let your wants come alive: people keep their wants asleep and this is self-harmful. By not doing this, you become more predisposed to noticing opportunities to do things better.
Try things is immensely valuable. It’s just way cheaper for humans to poke around than to predict how things will play out, which is critical for optimizing any complex system (including but not limited to your life).
Make good quiche, Adjust your seat, and Eat the instructions prepare you for the harsh and unreasonable world of human genetic diversity (at least, where you fit into it; it doesn’t warn you about the horrors of what human genetic diversity does to social systems). Typical mind fallacy will cause you to fail to grow, the same way that an un-adjusted seat will make you uncomfortable. The idea of easy one-size-fits-all solutions will screw you over, you must customize and iterate or else you are NGMI.
Build form takes an engineering approach to self-improvement which I found very helpful. You should be looking at your mind as something where your decisions fit together to contribute to maximizing measurable results, like designing something for minimum wind resistance in a wind tunnel, or building a robot that walks on two legs without falling over.
I haven’t really tried boggle, it immediately worked but I found the process to be unpleasant (the results were fine but it just cost effort in my case). I’ll probably try it more and see if it becomes easier.
It’s just absolutely criminal that people become software engineers without reading this by-default. The principles of iteration, customization, and optimization are, in fact, a 17 minute read away from being applied to make you substantially stronger and better.
I gained substantial improvement from this in 2022 and 2023 would have gone much better had I read this a second time instead of forgetting about it and returning to my daily routine (and the resulting underwhelming thought patterns). The main drawback is that you can only read it for the first time once; I recommend renting a cabin for a weekend or something.
One of the best parts of the CFAR handbook and most of the sections are solid as a standalone. A compressed instruction manual to the human brain. The analogies and examples are incredibly effective at covering the approach from different angles, transmitting information about “how to win” into your brain with high fidelity, and what I predict will be a low failure rate for a wide variety of people.
Be Present is a scathing criticism of how modern society keeps people sort of half-alive. It’s my favorite and what I found to be the most important meta-skill; autopilot is the enemy.
Let your wants come alive: people keep their wants asleep and this is self-harmful. By not doing this, you become more predisposed to noticing opportunities to do things better.
Try things is immensely valuable. It’s just way cheaper for humans to poke around than to predict how things will play out, which is critical for optimizing any complex system (including but not limited to your life).
Make good quiche, Adjust your seat, and Eat the instructions prepare you for the harsh and unreasonable world of human genetic diversity (at least, where you fit into it; it doesn’t warn you about the horrors of what human genetic diversity does to social systems). Typical mind fallacy will cause you to fail to grow, the same way that an un-adjusted seat will make you uncomfortable. The idea of easy one-size-fits-all solutions will screw you over, you must customize and iterate or else you are NGMI.
Build form takes an engineering approach to self-improvement which I found very helpful. You should be looking at your mind as something where your decisions fit together to contribute to maximizing measurable results, like designing something for minimum wind resistance in a wind tunnel, or building a robot that walks on two legs without falling over.
I haven’t really tried boggle, it immediately worked but I found the process to be unpleasant (the results were fine but it just cost effort in my case). I’ll probably try it more and see if it becomes easier.
It’s just absolutely criminal that people become software engineers without reading this by-default. The principles of iteration, customization, and optimization are, in fact, a 17 minute read away from being applied to make you substantially stronger and better.
I gained substantial improvement from this in 2022 and 2023 would have gone much better had I read this a second time instead of forgetting about it and returning to my daily routine (and the resulting underwhelming thought patterns). The main drawback is that you can only read it for the first time once; I recommend renting a cabin for a weekend or something.