Reading the prelude, I was already thinking about my experiments with deliberately moving my eyes to attend to different things while playing Osu!. Much to my delight, I discover a few paragraphs later that YOU ACTUALLY PLAY OSU!
Anyway, here’s my profile. Feel free to play with me!
Haven’t played Osu! for many years now unfortunately. I only got into it briefly to practice mouse accuracy for FPS games, but that motivation has dried up. I suspect Osu! would still be damn good fun without it, so I’ll let you know if it gets to the top of my gaming queue. :)
Reading the prelude, I was already thinking about my experiments with deliberately moving my eyes to attend to different things while playing Osu!. Much to my delight, I discover a few paragraphs later that YOU ACTUALLY PLAY OSU!
Anyway, here’s my profile. Feel free to play with me!
Haven’t played Osu! for many years now unfortunately. I only got into it briefly to practice mouse accuracy for FPS games, but that motivation has dried up. I suspect Osu! would still be damn good fun without it, so I’ll let you know if it gets to the top of my gaming queue. :)