Sorry, I can’t see how your questions relate to my statement.
It was a misunderstanding you cleared up by specifying what you meant by “world”.
The reason I say it doesn’t explain it is that the notion of “constructive and destructive interference” between different possibilities is deeply bizarre.
The interference isn’t between probabilities. They don’t contain sufficient information. It’s between the amplitudes. Going from amplitudes to probabilities is the weird part. It’s not explained by any interpretation.
It was a misunderstanding you cleared up by specifying what you meant by “world”.
The interference isn’t between probabilities. They don’t contain sufficient information. It’s between the amplitudes. Going from amplitudes to probabilities is the weird part. It’s not explained by any interpretation.
Good thing I didn’t say that, then!
Above, I said of MWI “I don’t think that was ever its “purpose”.”