My secret identity just says that some combination of you and Michael Vassar thought I was worth taking a chance on. I was trying to do some analog of cross-validation, where we ask whether someone who was basically following your procedure but who didn’t know me or have particular faith in your or Michael Vassar’s judgment, would think it okay for me to try teaching. I was figuring that your focus on day job impressiveness was an attempt to get away from handed-down lineages of legitimacy / “true to the Real Teachings”ness, which Objectivism or martial arts traditions or religions sometimes degenerate into.
You’re focusing on easy-to-verify credentials of the sort you’d list on a resume to be hired by some skeptical HR person. You have a secret identity.
My secret identity just says that some combination of you and Michael Vassar thought I was worth taking a chance on. I was trying to do some analog of cross-validation, where we ask whether someone who was basically following your procedure but who didn’t know me or have particular faith in your or Michael Vassar’s judgment, would think it okay for me to try teaching. I was figuring that your focus on day job impressiveness was an attempt to get away from handed-down lineages of legitimacy / “true to the Real Teachings”ness, which Objectivism or martial arts traditions or religions sometimes degenerate into.
More of an attempt to make sure that people write instead of just doing literary criticism.
Got it. Sorry; I think I rounded you to the nearest cliche, maybe because of the emotional reaction you suggested some of us might be having.