For the record: “proletarianized” means that someone lacks any means of subsistence other than wage-labor. There are very many well-paid proletarians among the Western salariat, the sort of people who read this site,
The distinction you’re making with the word “proletarianized” doesn’t really make sense when the market value of the relevant skills are larger than the cost of the means of production.
but even this well-off kind of wage labor becomes extremely problematic when the broader economy shifts—just look at how well lawyers or doctors are faring these days in many countries!
Owning the means of production doesn’t help here since the broader economic shifts can make your factory obsolete just as easily as they can make your skills obsolete.
The distinction you’re making with the word “proletarianized” doesn’t really make sense when the market value of the relevant skills are larger than the cost of the means of production.
Owning the means of production doesn’t help here since the broader economic shifts can make your factory obsolete just as easily as they can make your skills obsolete.