Provide a free-form text box for users to enter “user profile” type data.
People who care a lot about what pronoun gets used to refer to them can say so; people who prefer to be handled via Crocker’s Rules can say so; people who have particular interests can say so; etc.
Provide a free-form text box for users to enter “user profile” type data.
People who care a lot about what pronoun gets used to refer to them can say so; people who prefer to be handled via Crocker’s Rules can say so; people who have particular interests can say so; etc.
Variant suggestion: Merge LW and wiki.LW account systems so that each user’s wiki user page can be their profile page.
Excellent idea! Get people to actually edit the wiki!
Yes, that too. The need to create a separate account on the wiki is an unnecessary technical barrier to casual contributions.