Or built-in rot-13 switching in Markdown. (e.g. “%this text should be rotated%” → “guvf grkg fubhyq or ebgngrq”). If this were deployed one could possibly even turn off spoiler hiding, and all text rot-13′d with this format would just display the original.
It should be easy to add built-in rot13 conversion as well:
Whenever you mouse over a rot13 section of text, it’s highlighted in some way and the mouse becomes a hand. Clicking it will instantly rot13 it in place (and of course, clicking it again turns it back, since rot13 is symmetric anyway).
Spoiler tags, or maybe black-text-on-black-highlight tags, to replace the current fallback of rot-13.
Or built-in rot-13 switching in Markdown. (e.g. “%this text should be rotated%” → “guvf grkg fubhyq or ebgngrq”). If this were deployed one could possibly even turn off spoiler hiding, and all text rot-13′d with this format would just display the original.
It should be easy to add built-in rot13 conversion as well:
Whenever you mouse over a rot13 section of text, it’s highlighted in some way and the mouse becomes a hand. Clicking it will instantly rot13 it in place (and of course, clicking it again turns it back, since rot13 is symmetric anyway).
This is especially important because QuickRot isn’t available for Firefox 4.