One thing that feels wrong here is that it grants that explicit and implicit political beliefs are the same.
The first time the phrase structural racism made sense to me was hearing a Texan talk about social policy. If I look at a policy choice like how to build space for people to life in, I was grewing up in a house that was build at a time where people thought about how to build housing in a way that gets different social classes together in one house by making different floors at different luxury levels.
On the other hand you have US housing policy that’s about building housing so that rich Whites don’t have to live together with Black people. Very little of the effort at fighting structural racism goes against racist structures like that to change zoning laws.
Instead of being about helping lower class Black people by changing structures that are both racist in intention and in effect like zoning laws, efforts against fighting structural racism seem to be more about helping upper class Blacks who went to university and giving people who majored in diversity studies job paths.
Is a great video that goes on how fighting for empowering lower classes is not what Democratic policy in the US is about. The idea that politics is about blue vs. red tribe prevents clear analysis because as the saying goes “all politics is local”. It often a distraction from the political battles that matter.
It’s very hard to compare today with a hundred years ago but I think there’s a chance that the difference between people’s actual politics and the politics they pretend to have is higher today.
One thing that feels wrong here is that it grants that explicit and implicit political beliefs are the same.
The first time the phrase structural racism made sense to me was hearing a Texan talk about social policy. If I look at a policy choice like how to build space for people to life in, I was grewing up in a house that was build at a time where people thought about how to build housing in a way that gets different social classes together in one house by making different floors at different luxury levels.
On the other hand you have US housing policy that’s about building housing so that rich Whites don’t have to live together with Black people. Very little of the effort at fighting structural racism goes against racist structures like that to change zoning laws.
Instead of being about helping lower class Black people by changing structures that are both racist in intention and in effect like zoning laws, efforts against fighting structural racism seem to be more about helping upper class Blacks who went to university and giving people who majored in diversity studies job paths.
Is a great video that goes on how fighting for empowering lower classes is not what Democratic policy in the US is about. The idea that politics is about blue vs. red tribe prevents clear analysis because as the saying goes “all politics is local”. It often a distraction from the political battles that matter.
It’s very hard to compare today with a hundred years ago but I think there’s a chance that the difference between people’s actual politics and the politics they pretend to have is higher today.