Breakdowns of larger questions or projects present in any of the lists above into smaller chunks within the format also much appreciated.
Area: Cryonics Project: Scan 2mm by to 2mm voxel of a vitrified brain of someone who did not want to be cryopreserved, slicing it in slices at least 100nm thin, and using current technology see to what extent an axonal projection brainmap of this area could be generated in comparison to a non vitrified brain which has been through a different or no process post-mortem. Notes: Needs research approval, funds, at least two people etc… etc…
Would be an example of breakdown of “Preserve Brains”, already delivered in the suggested format.
Breakdowns of larger questions or projects present in any of the lists above into smaller chunks within the format also much appreciated.
Example: Area: Cryonics Project: Scan 2mm by to 2mm voxel of a vitrified brain of someone who did not want to be cryopreserved, slicing it in slices at least 100nm thin, and using current technology see to what extent an axonal projection brainmap of this area could be generated in comparison to a non vitrified brain which has been through a different or no process post-mortem. Notes: Needs research approval, funds, at least two people etc… etc…
Would be an example of breakdown of “Preserve Brains”, already delivered in the suggested format.
Wouldn’t you want to try that on animals first?
That’s just an example.