Quantum computing didn’t really have many milestones this year − 2012 (surface error correcting code proposed) and 2014 (I think this is when fidelity of Xmon qbits for surface code was reached, and in fall Google throws money at the Martinis group from UCSB to work on superconducting quantum computers) were definitely bigger years. But sure—we are in the middle of a multi-year event related to quantum computing :P
Quantum computing didn’t really have many milestones this year − 2012 (surface error correcting code proposed) and 2014 (I think this is when fidelity of Xmon qbits for surface code was reached, and in fall Google throws money at the Martinis group from UCSB to work on superconducting quantum computers) were definitely bigger years. But sure—we are in the middle of a multi-year event related to quantum computing :P
I don’t want to entirely leave it out… Moving it to the “runner up” section.