How do you even differentiate between the biggest achievements and the most overhyped achievements? Wouldn’t such things only be clear in hindsight? Wouldn’t we have a better understanding what were the biggest scientific achievements of, say, 2005 or 1995 rather than 2015?
How do you even differentiate between the biggest achievements and the most overhyped achievements?
Wouldn’t such things only be clear in hindsight?
Wouldn’t we have a better understanding what were the biggest scientific achievements of, say, 2005 or 1995 rather than 2015?
Wouldn’t we have a better understanding what were the biggest scientific achievements of, say, 2005 or 1995 rather than 2015?
yes. But it’s better to write the list; celebrate what we can recall and remember as over-hyped and enjoy ourselves than to just not do it for the reasons you suggest.
How do you even differentiate between the biggest achievements and the most overhyped achievements? Wouldn’t such things only be clear in hindsight? Wouldn’t we have a better understanding what were the biggest scientific achievements of, say, 2005 or 1995 rather than 2015?
yes. But it’s better to write the list; celebrate what we can recall and remember as over-hyped and enjoy ourselves than to just not do it for the reasons you suggest.