Yes, it’s usually called “immune escape”, but Zvi adopted this framing by Kai Kupferschmidt:
But remember that our immune system has more than just neutralising antibodies in store, so none of this tells us just how much this variant is going to escape immunity and if it will mostly affect protection from infection or also severe disease.
Immune escape is not black-and-white, not yes or no, which is why the term immune erosion is generally better.
For me “erosion” has connotations of accumulating damage to something which doesn’t seem right here, but either way I know what Zvi means in this context.
Yes, it’s usually called “immune escape”, but Zvi adopted this framing by Kai Kupferschmidt:
For me “erosion” has connotations of accumulating damage to something which doesn’t seem right here, but either way I know what Zvi means in this context.