Would you care to give some indication of their quality in terms other than comparison to one another?
Well, if you want more I suppose you could look at my Goodreads account. For Silver, I excerpted each chapter.
Aha. So, for the benefit of others who are curious, Gwern gave Cowen and Ehrman 4 stars (out of 5), Cowen 2 stars, and Hayes 3 stars. That’s somewhat informative. The excerpts are interesting too. Thanks!
This would be more helpful if I knew which of those authors wrote which of the books in the great-grandparent.
Silver: The Signal and the Noise
Ehrman: The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament
Cowen: Create Your Own Economy: The Path to Prosperity in a Disordered World
Hayes: Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy
Would you care to give some indication of their quality in terms other than comparison to one another?
Well, if you want more I suppose you could look at my Goodreads account. For Silver, I excerpted each chapter.
Aha. So, for the benefit of others who are curious, Gwern gave Cowen and Ehrman 4 stars (out of 5), Cowen 2 stars, and Hayes 3 stars. That’s somewhat informative. The excerpts are interesting too. Thanks!
This would be more helpful if I knew which of those authors wrote which of the books in the great-grandparent.
Silver: The Signal and the Noise
Ehrman: The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture: The Effect of Early Christological Controversies on the Text of the New Testament
Cowen: Create Your Own Economy: The Path to Prosperity in a Disordered World
Hayes: Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy