Nine years ago today, I was just beginning my post-graduate studies. I was running around campus trying to take care of some registration stuff when I heard that unknown parties had flown two airliners into the WTC towers. It was surreal—at that moment, we had no idea who had done it, or why, or whether there were more planes in the air that would be used as missiles.
It was big news, and it’s worth recalling this extraordinarily terrible event. But there are many more ordinaryterrible events that occur every day, and kill far more people. I want to keep that in mind too, and I want to make the universe a less deadly place for everyone.
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Nine years ago today, I was just beginning my post-graduate studies. I was running around campus trying to take care of some registration stuff when I heard that unknown parties had flown two airliners into the WTC towers. It was surreal—at that moment, we had no idea who had done it, or why, or whether there were more planes in the air that would be used as missiles.
It was big news, and it’s worth recalling this extraordinarily terrible event. But there are many more ordinary terrible events that occur every day, and kill far more people. I want to keep that in mind too, and I want to make the universe a less deadly place for everyone.
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