What kinds of wierdtopias are you imagining that would fulfill those criteria?
Because the ones that first sprung to mind for me (this might make an interesting exercise for people, actually) were all emphatically, well, wrong. Bad. Unethical. Evil… could you give some examples?
I of course don’t speak for EY, but what I would mean if I made a similar comment would hinge on expecting my experience of “I know that everything about this is all wrong” to correlate with anything that’s radically different from what I was expecting and am accustomed to, whether or not they are bad, unethical, or evil, and even if I would endorse it (on sufficient reflection) more than any alternatives.
Given that I expect my ideal utopia to be radically different from what I was expecting and am accustomed to (because, really, how likely is the opposite?), I should therefore expect to react that way to it initially.
Although I don’t usually include a description of the various models of the other speaker I’m juggling during conversation, that’s my current best guess. However, principle of charity and so forth.
(Plus Eliezer is very good at coming up with wierdtopias—probably better than I am.)
What kinds of wierdtopias are you imagining that would fulfill those criteria?
Because the ones that first sprung to mind for me (this might make an interesting exercise for people, actually) were all emphatically, well, wrong. Bad. Unethical. Evil… could you give some examples?
I of course don’t speak for EY, but what I would mean if I made a similar comment would hinge on expecting my experience of “I know that everything about this is all wrong” to correlate with anything that’s radically different from what I was expecting and am accustomed to, whether or not they are bad, unethical, or evil, and even if I would endorse it (on sufficient reflection) more than any alternatives.
Given that I expect my ideal utopia to be radically different from what I was expecting and am accustomed to (because, really, how likely is the opposite?), I should therefore expect to react that way to it initially.
Although I don’t usually include a description of the various models of the other speaker I’m juggling during conversation, that’s my current best guess. However, principle of charity and so forth.
(Plus Eliezer is very good at coming up with wierdtopias—probably better than I am.)