It’s been a while since we had a barbecue, so let’s have one of them. We’ll be on the Newspeak House terrace. We’ll bring some food, but not enough for everyone, so we recommend bringing something.
We’ll start to discuss these around 3, or a bit later depending on how busy we are barbecuing. Phil will be around from 2. If you have articles you want to suggest for future readings, you can do that at
People start showing up around two, and there are almost always people around until after six, but feel free to come and go at whatever time.
You can also keep up with us on Facebook, Reddit or WhatApp. For spam avoidance, you need to message for WhatsApp invites.
London Rationalish meetup
It’s been a while since we had a barbecue, so let’s have one of them. We’ll be on the Newspeak House terrace. We’ll bring some food, but not enough for everyone, so we recommend bringing something.
Also, reading list:
1. Contra Weyl On Technocracy (
2. Weyl Contra Me On Technocracy (
We’ll start to discuss these around 3, or a bit later depending on how busy we are barbecuing. Phil will be around from 2. If you have articles you want to suggest for future readings, you can do that at
People start showing up around two, and there are almost always people around until after six, but feel free to come and go at whatever time.
You can also keep up with us on Facebook, Reddit or WhatApp. For spam avoidance, you need to message for WhatsApp invites.
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