Sure, but LessWrong is a forum for a set of very specific topics, specifically instrumental and epistemic rationality, not just a place for whoever is on LessWrong to post about whatever they want to.
Many of us have our personal blogs and they fill a different niche than LessWrong does.
Also, consider how frequently a new post shows up in the main vs. how frequently there’s a new post on Star Slate Codex.
If Yvain was posting all his SSC stuff to Discussion/Main, wouldn’t there be even more frequently a new post in Main than there is on SSC?
Sure, but LessWrong is a forum for a set of very specific topics, specifically instrumental and epistemic rationality, not just a place for whoever is on LessWrong to post about whatever they want to.
Many of us have our personal blogs and they fill a different niche than LessWrong does.