I mean—most agents with utility functions shouldn’t have such a hard time describing their perfect universe.
As I understand it, most organisms act as though they want to accelerate universal heat death.
That’s been an important theory at least since Lotka’s Contribution to the Energetics of Evolution, 1922 - and has been explicated in detail in modern times by Roderick Dewar with the MEP.
To change that would require self-directed evolution, a lot of discipline—and probably not encountering any aliens—but what would the motivation be?
As I understand it, most organisms act as though they want to accelerate universal heat death.
That’s been an important theory at least since Lotka’s Contribution to the Energetics of Evolution, 1922 - and has been explicated in detail in modern times by Roderick Dewar with the MEP.
To change that would require self-directed evolution, a lot of discipline—and probably not encountering any aliens—but what would the motivation be?