This is a silly line of argument. You can’t hold identity constant and change the circumstances very much.
If I were given unlimited (or even just many orders of magnitude more than I now have) power, I would no longer be me. I’d be some creature with far more predictive and reflective accuracy, and this power would so radically change my expectations and beliefs that it’s ludicrous to think that the desires and actions of the powerful agent would have any relationship to what I predict I’d do.
I give high weight (95%+) that this is true for all humans, including Robin and Elizer.
There is no evidence in impossible predictions based on flawed identity concepts.
This is a silly line of argument. You can’t hold identity constant and change the circumstances very much.
If I were given unlimited (or even just many orders of magnitude more than I now have) power, I would no longer be me. I’d be some creature with far more predictive and reflective accuracy, and this power would so radically change my expectations and beliefs that it’s ludicrous to think that the desires and actions of the powerful agent would have any relationship to what I predict I’d do.
I give high weight (95%+) that this is true for all humans, including Robin and Elizer.
There is no evidence in impossible predictions based on flawed identity concepts.