Grades in school motivate people to gain the ability to successfully take exams, which is actually pretty well correlated to understanding the material, especially compared to, e.g., drinking until you pass out. You may be able to achieve some gains by being motivated by learning rather than by grades, but you’re way better off being motivated by grades than by nothing.
We have to accept the reality of the situation; the system is not set up to haelp people learn who desperately want to. That is actually just and good, because the fraction of the population who actually desperately want to learn is the size of a rounding error.
Grades in school motivate people to gain the ability to successfully take exams, which is actually pretty well correlated to understanding the material, especially compared to, e.g., drinking until you pass out. You may be able to achieve some gains by being motivated by learning rather than by grades, but you’re way better off being motivated by grades than by nothing.
We have to accept the reality of the situation; the system is not set up to haelp people learn who desperately want to. That is actually just and good, because the fraction of the population who actually desperately want to learn is the size of a rounding error.