Incorrect, an interesting phrase… In what manner would the phrase, “c is approximately 3x10^8,” be incorrect. You say it is wrong, I say it is right. Who is to decide? Could I not go and measure it, and find c in the vacuum to be approximately 3x10^8?
Why is the questioner always assumed to be correct about every bit of data given? Sure I may not pass many exams taking this attitude, but the only examiner that really matters is reality, surely? We are here to learn how to reason about the world surely, not to learn to pass exams, or other random human tests.
C is only roughly 3x10^8 meters per second when traveling in a vacuum. Any interaction with matter slows it down, though usually only very slightly.
I believe the slowest light has ever been measured is 38mph (15.6 meters per second), achieved by firing a laser through sodium atoms held in a Bose-Einstein condensate (0.37 degrees Kelvin).
Pretty impressive, really.
In other words, the “if” statements are extremely important.
Incorrect, an interesting phrase… In what manner would the phrase, “c is approximately 3x10^8,” be incorrect. You say it is wrong, I say it is right. Who is to decide? Could I not go and measure it, and find c in the vacuum to be approximately 3x10^8?
Why is the questioner always assumed to be correct about every bit of data given? Sure I may not pass many exams taking this attitude, but the only examiner that really matters is reality, surely? We are here to learn how to reason about the world surely, not to learn to pass exams, or other random human tests.
C is only roughly 3x10^8 meters per second when traveling in a vacuum. Any interaction with matter slows it down, though usually only very slightly.
I believe the slowest light has ever been measured is 38mph (15.6 meters per second), achieved by firing a laser through sodium atoms held in a Bose-Einstein condensate (0.37 degrees Kelvin).
Pretty impressive, really.
In other words, the “if” statements are extremely important.
c is by definition the speed of light in vacuum. You use another variable (usually v) if you want the speed of light in a given refractive medium.