I recently read the source book for the Eclipse Phase pen and paper RPG, and in the flavor text it has the following description, describing the criminal faction “Pax Familiae”:
Major Stations: Ambelina (Venus)
Though similar to the Night Cartel in that Pax Familae holds legal offices and outposts in several habitats while working underground in others, the difference between the two syndicates couldn’t be bigger. The entire Pax Familae organization goes back to one person, Claudia Ambelina, the syndicate’s founder and matriarch. Relying excessively on cloning and forking technologies, each individual member of the syndicate is a descendant or variant of Claudia. Biomorphs [any body that a mind can be put in] are cloned from Claudia’s original genetics or sexually produced offspring (thanks to sex-switching biomods), while egos [generally speaking, minds] are forks. All members are utterly loyal to Claudia (since they all are Claudia) and show their family affiliation with pride and arrogance. Individually, each remains slightly but notably different, though all are calculating and ambitious. Regular reassimilation of forks and XP updates are used to keep each variant aware of each of the other’s activities—once you’ve met one version of Claudia, the others will know you.
Needless to say, Eclipse Phase seems pretty awesome.
I recently read the source book for the Eclipse Phase pen and paper RPG, and in the flavor text it has the following description, describing the criminal faction “Pax Familiae”:
Needless to say, Eclipse Phase seems pretty awesome.
You should read the Oracle AI sourcebook Sandberg wrote for it.
Thanks for the tip, I probably would not have seen and been interested in reading that.