“Is there evidence this will be worthwhile according to my values now, independently of how it might change my values?”
“Is there evidence that this is instrumentally useful for more than warm fuzzies?”
“Is there evidence that for the probable benefit of this event the costs are substantially optimized for it? I.e., if the benefit is substantially social, even if this would be worth flying around the world for, a program could actually be optimized for social benefits, and/or I could attend a closer/cheaper/shorter program with similar benefits to me.”
“Regardless of anyone’s intent, what is this program optimized for?”
“Is there evidence this will be worthwhile according to my values now, independently of how it might change my values?”
“Is there evidence that this is instrumentally useful for more than warm fuzzies?”
“Is there evidence that for the probable benefit of this event the costs are substantially optimized for it? I.e., if the benefit is substantially social, even if this would be worth flying around the world for, a program could actually be optimized for social benefits, and/or I could attend a closer/cheaper/shorter program with similar benefits to me.”
“Regardless of anyone’s intent, what is this program optimized for?”
“How’s the food?”