My headcannon for the animals was that early on, they released viruses that genetically modified non-human animals in ways that don’t violate the pact.
I didn’t think the pact could have been as broad as “the terrestrial Earth will be left unmodified,” because the causal impact of their actions certainly changed things. I assumed it was something like “AIs and AI created technologies may not do anything that interferes with humans actions on Earth. or harms humans in any way”—but genetic engineering instructions sent from outside of the earth, assumedly pre-collapse, didn’t qualify because they didn’t affect human, they made animals affect humans, which was parsed as similar to impacts of the environment on humans, not an AI technology.
My headcannon for the animals was that early on, they released viruses that genetically modified non-human animals in ways that don’t violate the pact.
I didn’t think the pact could have been as broad as “the terrestrial Earth will be left unmodified,” because the causal impact of their actions certainly changed things. I assumed it was something like “AIs and AI created technologies may not do anything that interferes with humans actions on Earth. or harms humans in any way”—but genetic engineering instructions sent from outside of the earth, assumedly pre-collapse, didn’t qualify because they didn’t affect human, they made animals affect humans, which was parsed as similar to impacts of the environment on humans, not an AI technology.