in short, it is rude to gender male by default.
“He” remains a standard gender-neutral pronoun in common usage of the English language. Its use does not imply and should not be read to imply superiority of the masculine.
In short; I reject the notion that it is “rude” to use the descriptivist standard of the language. Awkward? Certainly. But so too are all yet-proposed solutions to said problem.
I.e.; I didn’t assume anything. I used a gender-neutral pronoun.
“He” remains a standard gender-neutral pronoun in common usage of the English language. Its use does not imply and should not be read to imply superiority of the masculine.
In short; I reject the notion that it is “rude” to use the descriptivist standard of the language. Awkward? Certainly. But so too are all yet-proposed solutions to said problem.
I.e.; I didn’t assume anything. I used a gender-neutral pronoun.