Are you interested in betting it is one of the people on your list at 3:1 odds?
You mean, would I be willing to take the negative on a bet that Satoshi is any of Szabo/Finney/Dai/McCaleb/.../O’Mahony at 3:1 odds? Hm… Yes, I would be willing to do that bet. (I know they sum up to more than that, but the odds aren’t my true odds but upper bounds, otherwise I wouldn’t make any money off offering the bets!)
Are you interested in betting it is one of the people on your list at 3:1 odds? My interest is academic, I have close to zero idea who may be Satoshi.
You mean, would I be willing to take the negative on a bet that Satoshi is any of Szabo/Finney/Dai/McCaleb/.../O’Mahony at 3:1 odds? Hm… Yes, I would be willing to do that bet. (I know they sum up to more than that, but the odds aren’t my true odds but upper bounds, otherwise I wouldn’t make any money off offering the bets!)