As far as I can tell, no one to date has put together a directory of the best available evidence-based treatment for personality disorders. Sure, there are books, most of which are filled with out-date psychodynamic bullshit.
So, here is the start (many missing) of the first and only list, after about 10 minutes of google-ing:
Systematic reviews don’t exist for: dependent personality disorder (clingyness) or self-defeating personality disorder (masochism, not necessarily sexual). No attempt made to find summaries for sadistic personality disorder (they’re not gonna be looking for a treatment, probably), or borderline personality disorder (cause clinicians stigmatise them and frequently, clearly demonstrate they don’t give a fuck about evidence based treatment for BPD, unfortunately)
Have a read of them. I might post some links (perhaps biased by my particular google search results) of the stuff that comes up when I look for books on the topic. But for now I gotta study for a goddam exam!
Yes, DBT is the best evidenced from memory, but I haven’t researched it heavily. DBT is a pretty fancy name for a lot of ″common sense″ advice + CBT. There are systematic reviews of DBT for BPD, but that doesn’t mean that there are systematic reviews for treatment of BPD ‘objectively’.
As far as I can tell, no one to date has put together a directory of the best available evidence-based treatment for personality disorders. Sure, there are books, most of which are filled with out-date psychodynamic bullshit.
So, here is the start (many missing) of the first and only list, after about 10 minutes of google-ing:
Psychological treatments for narccissm
Pharmacological treatments for narciissm
both withdrawn, Cochrane y u do this?
Sociopathy (incl. psychopathy treatment
Shyness treatment
Systematic reviews don’t exist for: dependent personality disorder (clingyness) or self-defeating personality disorder (masochism, not necessarily sexual). No attempt made to find summaries for sadistic personality disorder (they’re not gonna be looking for a treatment, probably), or borderline personality disorder (cause clinicians stigmatise them and frequently, clearly demonstrate they don’t give a fuck about evidence based treatment for BPD, unfortunately)
On what basis do you claim that the textbooks on the subject aren’t evidence based but bullshit?
Have a read of them. I might post some links (perhaps biased by my particular google search results) of the stuff that comes up when I look for books on the topic. But for now I gotta study for a goddam exam!
I thought that got Dialectic Behavior Therapy.
Also, the shyness treatment article has been withdrawn. They intended to make one but didn’t find any good sources.
Yes, DBT is the best evidenced from memory, but I haven’t researched it heavily. DBT is a pretty fancy name for a lot of ″common sense″ advice + CBT. There are systematic reviews of DBT for BPD, but that doesn’t mean that there are systematic reviews for treatment of BPD ‘objectively’.
Thanks for the update on shyness.