When I discovered less wrong, there were things I disagreed with. There are actually still things discussed here that I disagree with the apparent consensus on. But I’ve changed my mind on a large number of things. When I joined less wrong, my understanding of cryonics was that it was a scam for new-agers. I had heard of such concepts as transhumanism and singularitarianism, but had no exposure to individuals who actually held such beliefs. After reading a few of the sequences, I went to EY’s website, and found this. I finished that article, thought about it for approximately a minute, and said “Yep. That makes sense.” Fast forward one week, and I’m persuading other people to sign up for cryonics. That was a pretty dramatic shift for me.
When I discovered less wrong, there were things I disagreed with. There are actually still things discussed here that I disagree with the apparent consensus on. But I’ve changed my mind on a large number of things. When I joined less wrong, my understanding of cryonics was that it was a scam for new-agers. I had heard of such concepts as transhumanism and singularitarianism, but had no exposure to individuals who actually held such beliefs. After reading a few of the sequences, I went to EY’s website, and found this. I finished that article, thought about it for approximately a minute, and said “Yep. That makes sense.” Fast forward one week, and I’m persuading other people to sign up for cryonics. That was a pretty dramatic shift for me.