The atmosphere of cooperative truth-seeking, where it feels like ideas are taken seriously, there is a genuine effort to understand what others are saying, and frequent engagement with the least convenient world.
Also, awesome users like Eneasz for the HPMoR podcast, AdeleneDawner and PeerInfinity for the actually useful horoscopes, Vladimir Nesov and others for maintaining the wiki, Alicorn for her pony illustrations, jb55 and OneWhoFrogs for ebook versions of the sequences, BrandonReinhart for the examination of SIAI finances, and of course anyone who posts regularly. Since many of these kudos are for recent projects, I’ve sure I’ve left a lot out.
The atmosphere of cooperative truth-seeking, where it feels like ideas are taken seriously, there is a genuine effort to understand what others are saying, and frequent engagement with the least convenient world.
Also, awesome users like Eneasz for the HPMoR podcast, AdeleneDawner and PeerInfinity for the actually useful horoscopes, Vladimir Nesov and others for maintaining the wiki, Alicorn for her pony illustrations, jb55 and OneWhoFrogs for ebook versions of the sequences, BrandonReinhart for the examination of SIAI finances, and of course anyone who posts regularly. Since many of these kudos are for recent projects, I’ve sure I’ve left a lot out.