I recently read a book called “The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class” that speculated that a large drive for democracy was the equalizing power of guns.
The idea is that feudalism was sustainable because the military technology of the time (calvary) allowed for a warrior class to support the nobility, and that modern technologies are once again allowing for this concentration of power. AI and drones are much less democratic forms of weaponry and allow for more complicated controls of the populace like what China is doing with their algorithms.
I read a similar book called “The Dictator’s Handbook” which put democracies and autocracies along a spectrum of what percentage of the populace’s consent you need to rule, and I also read Robin Hanson’s “Elephant in the Brain” which similarly tends to attribute everything to power and self-interest.
What are the limits of this style of “cynical-economic” political theory? Do you think the neo-feudal assessment is accurate?
I think if the neo-feudal theory turned out to be untrue, it would be most likely to be because it’s incorrect in its assessment of the democratic leanings of new technologies and not because it misunderstood human psychology.
There’s probably no test for whether a simple model of large-scale social organization is “correct”. It pretty much can’t be complete, but it may have useful elements embedded in it.
Personally, I think this VASTLY underplays the role of culture and willingness to kill/die for a cause. “consent” is a continuum, not a binary. The level needed not to revolt is much lower than the level needed to be a productive member of a regime you don’t fully support. Which is different from voting or canvassing, which is different from actually working directly for the jerks. On the other side, the level of commitment to a particular revolutionary plan can vary quite widely while still destabilizing the power.
Willingness to kill can be increased by proper use of blackmail. For example, when communist countries needed to crush a civilian rebellion, they sometimes sent two lines of soldiers: the soldiers in the first line were supposed to kill the civilians, and the soldiers in the second line were supposed to kill those soldiers in the first line who refused to kill the civilians. Suddenly, the soldiers in the first line were quite willing to do whatever they were told to.
Sure—that’s the “slash die” part of things. Culture is always contextual, and it’s very hard to predict how members of a group will react to very new circumstances. Whether members in the first line of soldiers consider it sufficiently honorable (insert your preferred utility or psychological analog as desired) to die rather than killing is quite contingent.