Well you might strongly value keeping oaths, but otherwise value becoming an evil overlord. Or perhaps your idea of great righteousness is so strange that you need to take over the world in order to achieve it. You’re not a baby eater are you?
I’m not a baby eater. I do not wish to become an evil overlord. My idea of great righteousness is foreign to many people here but on a practical level in the real world, it often comes to the same thing.
You’re completely welcome, but no thanks are necessary; I’m just doing my job—I am sworn to use my powers for good ;)
I hope that oath isn’t the only thing holding you back from world (or at least LW) domination...
Well, even the oath would be useless if it weren’t combined with my own indelible sense of shining justice for great righteousness.
Well you might strongly value keeping oaths, but otherwise value becoming an evil overlord. Or perhaps your idea of great righteousness is so strange that you need to take over the world in order to achieve it. You’re not a baby eater are you?
I’m not a baby eater. I do not wish to become an evil overlord. My idea of great righteousness is foreign to many people here but on a practical level in the real world, it often comes to the same thing.