Seems to me the most imporant lesson here is “even if you are John von Neumann, you can’t take over the world alone.”
First, because no matter how smart you are, you will have blind spots.
Second, because your time is still limited to 24 hours a day; even if you’d decide to focus on things you have been neglecting until now, you would have to start neglecting the things you have been focusing on until now. Being better at poker (converting your smartness to money more directly), living healthier and therefore on average longer, developing social skills, and being strategic in gaining power… would perhaps come at a cost of not having invented half of the stuff. When you are John von Neumann, your time has insane opportunity costs.
Thank you, this is very interesting!
Seems to me the most imporant lesson here is “even if you are John von Neumann, you can’t take over the world alone.”
First, because no matter how smart you are, you will have blind spots.
Second, because your time is still limited to 24 hours a day; even if you’d decide to focus on things you have been neglecting until now, you would have to start neglecting the things you have been focusing on until now. Being better at poker (converting your smartness to money more directly), living healthier and therefore on average longer, developing social skills, and being strategic in gaining power… would perhaps come at a cost of not having invented half of the stuff. When you are John von Neumann, your time has insane opportunity costs.