I’ve been hired by a rich dwarf to fortify his castle, and I found that instead of using the world-endangering Mithril you get about 80% or the strength with an alloy that contains very small amount of Mithril and large amounts of other metals that does not require deep excavation (we patented the alloy as Mothril(TM). While the strength is a little less it’s much cheaper and you can make it up in volume. If people need an even stronger metal I think they should be working on Mothril++
So I think the economic explanation for Mithril is somewhat weaker than the dwarfs’ desire to keep digging deeper. They really need to be re-educated (I hope wizards are also working on that)
I’ve been hired by a rich dwarf to fortify his castle, and I found that instead of using the world-endangering Mithril you get about 80% or the strength with an alloy that contains very small amount of Mithril and large amounts of other metals that does not require deep excavation (we patented the alloy as Mothril(TM). While the strength is a little less it’s much cheaper and you can make it up in volume. If people need an even stronger metal I think they should be working on Mothril++
So I think the economic explanation for Mithril is somewhat weaker than the dwarfs’ desire to keep digging deeper. They really need to be re-educated (I hope wizards are also working on that)