For sure the Bible as a whole is far from consistent about this stuff. Even the NT specifically doesn’t speak with one voice. My only claim is that the answer to the question “what is intended by the teachings about hell ascribed to Jesus in the NT?” is nearer to “final destruction” than to “eternal torture”. I agree that the “rich man & Lazarus” story leans the other way but that one seems particularly clearly not intended to have its incidental details treated as doctrine.
For sure the Bible as a whole is far from consistent about this stuff. Even the NT specifically doesn’t speak with one voice. My only claim is that the answer to the question “what is intended by the teachings about hell ascribed to Jesus in the NT?” is nearer to “final destruction” than to “eternal torture”. I agree that the “rich man & Lazarus” story leans the other way but that one seems particularly clearly not intended to have its incidental details treated as doctrine.