ACX Everywhere—Mumbai Meetup

  • [Open in Google Maps] [Open in local app]
  • 15 September 2024, 11:00 am—2:00 pm
  • Doolally Tap­room—And­heri, Off New Link Road, Veera De­sai In­dus­trial Es­tate, And­heri West, Mum­bai, Ma­ha­rash­tra, India
  • Contact: chetan.khar­

Join us for the Spring Meetups Everywhere 2024 in Mumbai

Who Should Attend:
- Readers and followers of Astral Codex Ten
- Individuals interested in rationality, Effective Altruism and related fields
- Anyone looking to meet new people and engage in deep, stimulating discussions
-Both newcomers and regular attendees of similar events

What to Expect:
- Casual and friendly environment
- Open discussions on a variety of topics including rationality, ethics, philosophy, and more
- Opportunities to share your ideas and learn from others
- Light refreshments.

We look forward to seeing you there! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions/​concerns

Please RSVP so I can get a sense of the numbers for seating.

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