What signal about the efficacy and seriousness of antideathist groups do you think it sends when, of all possible ways to make things happen in that direction, the public is aware of people who go outside and picket and write on facebook walls ?
We don’t know which way is most effective to fight against death—if we know we would already win. But luck of attention to the problem is an issue here. Most people dont know latest scientific results about life extension and also do not want to live longer at all. The money which goverments spent on life extension depends from public demand of such research. So by growing awareness about the problem, we could help govermnets and reach people to make investments in life extension. Life extension means also reduction of global risks.
I wish we had a lot more “normal” folks doing it, instead of those seen as weirdo professional cranks.
I was disappointed to see that the woman was ” leader of Longevity Party”, whatever that means. I’d rather have a cashier at Walmart wearing a button “Cure Aging”, or putting it on her facebook page.
In order to a chasier to put such button, some one should explain the idea to her, show an example and probably print the button. I also hope that normal folk will do such things.
What signal about the efficacy and seriousness of antideathist groups do you think it sends when, of all possible ways to make things happen in that direction, the public is aware of people who go outside and picket and write on facebook walls ?
We don’t know which way is most effective to fight against death—if we know we would already win. But luck of attention to the problem is an issue here. Most people dont know latest scientific results about life extension and also do not want to live longer at all. The money which goverments spent on life extension depends from public demand of such research. So by growing awareness about the problem, we could help govermnets and reach people to make investments in life extension. Life extension means also reduction of global risks.
I wish we had a lot more “normal” folks doing it, instead of those seen as weirdo professional cranks.
I was disappointed to see that the woman was ” leader of Longevity Party”, whatever that means. I’d rather have a cashier at Walmart wearing a button “Cure Aging”, or putting it on her facebook page.
In order to a chasier to put such button, some one should explain the idea to her, show an example and probably print the button. I also hope that normal folk will do such things.
To be fair, having a pretty woman do it is much better signaling than any other kind of human. It could halve been (even) worse.