If your approach isn’t representationalist then why in the world would you maintain that we’re “brains in vats” and have no direct access to the world? What do we have “access” to in lieu of the real world if there’s no intervening model, representation, sense data, etc? Why not say it’s the relative position of the car we’re controlling rather than the “neural signals”? (How does one “see” a neural signal anyway?) It seems like your approach would be much more at home with direct realism.
If your approach isn’t representationalist then why in the world would you maintain that we’re “brains in vats” and have no direct access to the world? What do we have “access” to in lieu of the real world if there’s no intervening model, representation, sense data, etc? Why not say it’s the relative position of the car we’re controlling rather than the “neural signals”? (How does one “see” a neural signal anyway?) It seems like your approach would be much more at home with direct realism.