Yep. Well, in any case, the point is that the Solomonoff probability is not in any way ‘universal prior’, you have to pick the machine, then you can’t actually compute anything useful because its uncomputable and you’ll never get anything non-trivial all the way down to minimum length.
If you go for changing the machine, you could use laws of physics as you know them as the machine, too (then you’ll be irreparable sceptic of any new physics). In the context of laws of physics its just the emulation of one universal computation (laws of physics) with another (what ever stuff you pick). We are only discussing this because some highly self-important people heard of Solomonoff induction and Kolmogorov complexity, modelled those with something ill defined and fuzzy (lacking not only sufficient understanding of those things but the understanding of the concepts in which to understand those, and so on several layers deep, as is usually the case when you choose something really complicated without having spent a lot of time studying towards it) and then used it as universal smart sounding word to say (e.g. here or here or here ). Name-dropping and nothing more.
Yep. Well, in any case, the point is that the Solomonoff probability is not in any way ‘universal prior’, you have to pick the machine, then you can’t actually compute anything useful because its uncomputable and you’ll never get anything non-trivial all the way down to minimum length.
If you go for changing the machine, you could use laws of physics as you know them as the machine, too (then you’ll be irreparable sceptic of any new physics). In the context of laws of physics its just the emulation of one universal computation (laws of physics) with another (what ever stuff you pick). We are only discussing this because some highly self-important people heard of Solomonoff induction and Kolmogorov complexity, modelled those with something ill defined and fuzzy (lacking not only sufficient understanding of those things but the understanding of the concepts in which to understand those, and so on several layers deep, as is usually the case when you choose something really complicated without having spent a lot of time studying towards it) and then used it as universal smart sounding word to say (e.g. here or here or here ). Name-dropping and nothing more.